Sunday, July 21, 2019

Some roads appear to be beautiful  aren't always gone be end up to beautifulwhen on that road....this is hard core truth that we all know but tend to ignore ..we quite often see that some is rich or someone is at that position which we always dreamt of..but we tend to ignore the struggles behind it...we tend to follow others but when when we are on that road we found it to be so difficult why so? It appeared to be beautiful from far but when we actually are on it ...we found ourselves to be lost you won't always get everything on a plate you need to burn yourself for it like phoenix and again take birth from ashes

Monday, July 8, 2019

What if everything seems to be messed up ? don't know where to go? What is going on? Fear of future,fear of failure, anxiety... If you feel that you are going through this don't know what is coming up in future ...just pause... stop ...and think about supreme power out there in universe that is god who send you here for a purpose if your heart is beating and you are breathing there is purpose to your life....every single question regarding your purpose is with god need ask God about it ...but how ? This might be question arising in your mind..we haven't seen him, talked to him..we have just heard about him...but do you know we can connect to him by praying ... whenever you feel you are stucked and there is no way to get out of a situation ...take a pause and close your eyes and think about him .. he'll surely give you way..or send a angle to your life to help you can happen to only those who actually believe in God or with those to whom god himself want's to reach... believe and believe in God only key to get out of a situation ....he is powerful that's why is not god ..he is god that's why he is powerful..

Thursday, July 4, 2019

 everyone in this worldare here for playing their part which is alloted to them by god.many writers had described the world as a big theatre where people once played their part had to leave...have you ever experienced that some people always act 
 savoir for if you find that you are stucked somewhere you don't know where to go then only some people come to our lives as saviour they not only help us but bring our life on track ..who are they? They are people who get privileged to help others  in time of their need ...not all get such privilege only those who are asked by god can do so.. they all are near us we call them our angles to spread love and help people. Why can't we also be someone's angle  . ...this life is too small to hate and put others down theatre people who put others down and bully others are called bad characters or negative character and in life they are called bad Sins this small world why to hate why to spread negativity when their is so much to give ...our Sins like a scarlet it should white as snow .. let's promise ourselves we will be angles who would be helping others and not to play a bad character in someone's life.   There vis only one life to live do good so that when at the kingdom of God your life is reviewed your eyes are not down.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Every single sun ray reflects a new matter what you did yesterday wheather you were productive or not..or you were not able to make it out ....still remember guys today is a new day a new opportunity life is all about just keep looking for a something new in a day...even if your day is not going as per your way remember this line there is always one road  always to change the positive cause if in life everything seems to be messed up remember it's not the end positive and wait for climax 😇